Quality of life and equal opportunities on the agenda of dRural’s Extremadura partners.

News − 07 Mar 2022

In late January, project partners from Extremadura met in Almendralejo to discuss how to improve quality of life and equal opportunities in rural areas through a digital platform available to all.

They also discussed the challenges they face, such as the lack of job opportunities in these areas, underdeveloped industry, and the migration of young people or poor digitisation.

Following these discussions, the partners set out an action plan for the coming months as part of their involvement in dRural.

Regional partners are: Los Santos de Maimona Municipality, regional government agency Fundesalud, Adiper Servicios Sociosanitarios and the chambers of commerce of Badajoz and Cáceres.

More information at https://lossantosdemaimona.com/noticias-de-prensa/los-socios-extremenos-del-proyecto-drural-avanzan-en-su-objetivo-de-conectar-las-zonas-rurales-y-mejorar-la-calidad-de-vida-de-sus-habitantes/

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