Online workshop with experts for rural economies

22 Sep 2021, 13:30-16:00
Online workshop

dRural strenghtening its active collaboration with its sister project AURORAL

The dRural sister project AURORAL (Architecture for Unified Regional Open digital ecosystems for Smart Communities and Rural Areas) is planning an online workshop with experts for rural economies, platform operators and representors from other EU projects dealing with the development of European rural areas and communities, to ensure a consideration of actual current challenges and developments in this sector. The dRural coordinator, Myriam Martín (from TicBiomed), will have the opportunity to present and talk about dRural during the workshop, giving an insight on the work of the project.


The aim is to get an insight on the key findings and challenges of other projects or pilot regions, creating a baseline for digital rural ecosystems in Europe. The event will be held in the form of an online meeting on Wednesday the 22nd of September, from 13:30 until 16:00 CET.

Register in advance for this meeting here.

Find the agenda here: 20210922-WP2 Workshop-Agenda (002)



Cover Photo by Lucrezia Carnelos, Unsplash

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