Making life easier in Extremadura through Dehesa Rural

Dehesa Rural

News − 02 May 2024

Dehesa Rural is the markeplace that implements the dRural platform in Extremadura, Spain. Here, the platform is improving the citizens' quality of life, fostering social inclusion and local economies.

Dehesa Rural is the marketplace developed in Extremadura, Spain, implementing the dRural platform. Providing services in various sectors, including health, tourism, business, and education, the marketplace has improved the condition of the rural region on various levels.

Primarily, by streamlining access to local services, the platform has enhanced citizens’ quality of life by reducing the necessity to travel long distances for essential services. Saving time and money and reducing the logistical challenges are just some of the advantages for the inhabitants.

Secondly, bridging citizens with local service providers fostered the local economy and the growth of SMEs.  The possibility to showcase their services, allowed local providers to create more job opportunities.

Lastly, the dRural platform has ensured that all citizens, irrespective of their geographical location, have fair access to essential services. By eradicating discrepancies in basic service accessibility between urban and rural areas, the Region is advocating for equity and fortifying social cohesion.


Social inclusion at the heart of Dehesa Rural

Since the launch of dRural, the Spanish rural region of Extremadura has had the priority of generating a positive impact on the citizens’ lives. The Dehesa Rural platform was the gateway for the efficient organization and accessibility of services.

A user-friendly and centralised platform removed geographical barriers and improved the quality of life of residents. Providing easy access to a wide range of essential services such as healthcare and home care, helped strengthen the social fabric of rural communities and promote the inclusion of weak and marginalised individuals.

Social inclusion in rural communities is one of the key goals of the dRural project. Extremadura will keep working on this mission and improving the platform and providing essential services to those who need them most throughout the region.


A multi-level strategy to widen the scope

To broaden the reach and enlarge the user base on the platform, the organisations involved are implementing a comprehensive and multi-level strategy. While engagement in national and international events remains pivotal within the promotional strategy, a more expansive, user-centric approach ensures sustainable and substantial growth.

On May 22, at the II Silver Economy Congress in Badajoz, dRural partners will present the Dehesa Rural platform through a stand and participation in a discussion table inviting regional partners to acquaint themselves with both simple and complex services offered on the platform, aiming to maximize performance.

The adoption of Dehesa Rural is being promoted online, too. Tailored digital marketing campaigns are being crafted and executed, employing advanced segmentation strategies. This methodology helps reach diverse demographic and geographic groups, ensuring Dehesa Rural’s message resonates with the intended audience.

Simultaneously, the functionality and user experience of their platform are being constantly improved. “Feedback analysis is the starting point for the ongoing adjustments and enhancements that ensure an immersive experience for users” – stated Enrique Picón Roca, representative of the Spanish pilot leader Adiper. This entails optimising the user interface, streamlining the registration process, and integrating new features and functionalities that enrich the overall user experience.


Picture: Matthias Zomer on Pexels

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