News − 15 Feb 2022
From February 11 until March 16 2022, the University of Twente provides a ten weeks master course "Global Strategy and Business development" with 70+ students participating.
The course, coordinated by Dr. Ariane von Raesfeld, draws on the fundamentals of business models in ecosystem context and its usefulness for a firm in today’s rapidly changing markets and global contexts to map consequences for strategy and business development.
During the master, students work towards business model innovation and actor engagement. Following the structure of a business model, the topics include customer value analysis, customer relationships, value proposition, capabilities, resources and activities. The actor engagement approach includes the engaging actors, engagement platform, actor disposition, engagement properties and resource integration patterns. In doing so, students work with two dRural regions Jämtland Härjedalen (Sweden) and Gelderland Midden (Netherlands). In teams, participants analyze needs and wants of target groups building up descriptions of customer journeys, personas, eco-systems to draw implications for strategic change and business model innovation. Furthermore, the importance of the external environment (competitor) and other societal stakeholders will be discussed for developing strategies and business model innovation , specifically emphasizing sustainability as strategy. Promotors Pactcare/Health Valley and Geztio participate in the course, as well as Boundaryless students will work with the Platform design Tool.
The individual assignment continues on the work done in the team assignment and focuses on designing a viable business model innovation for offerings that comply with the value specifications and align with business, social and sustainability goals identified in the teams assignment.